Synapx Ltd logo

Synapx Ltd account_circle

Organisation ID: GBLTD13762654

Viewable certificates received by this organisation:

Official digital certificate

Cyber Essentials certification mark

Cyber Essentials

Issue Time: 2024-08-02

Date of certification: 2024-08-02

Valid to: 2025-08-02

Status: Active

Products and services offered by this organisation:

Microsoft Power Platform & Data Specialists image

Microsoft Power Platform & Data Specialists

Description: Synapx is a London-based company with consulting experience for some of the world’s best-known companies. We love helping our clients get the most from their existing licenses and focus on delivering the best possible solutions to suit their business requirements. Our solutions help clients to connect their current business processes, transform their reporting, and automate unnecessary manual work.

Staff credentials

Employees of this organisation have active, publicly viewable personal certificates in the following certification schemes:

This organisation's employees have no public certificates or have chosen to hide them.

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