Westray BidCo Ltd - Trading as Wireless Infrastructure Group logo

Westray BidCo Ltd - Trading as Wireless Infrastructure Group

Organisation ID: GBLTDFC037026

Viewable certificates received by this organisation:

Official digital certificate

Cyber Essentials Plus certification mark

Cyber Essentials Plus

Issue Time: 2023-12-22

Date of certification: 2023-12-22

Valid to: 2024-12-22

Status: Active

Official digital certificate

Cyber Essentials certification mark

Cyber Essentials

Issue Time: 2023-11-23

Date of certification: 2023-11-23

Valid to: 2024-11-23

Status: Active

Products and services offered by this organisation:

This organisation has not listed any products or services that it provides.

Staff credentials

Employees of this organisation have active, publicly viewable personal certificates in the following certification schemes:

This organisation's employees have no public certificates or have chosen to hide them.